A New Beginning: Story.com
Time Flies: we've heard this so many times, but there's only so many moments in life when you actually feel it. HF0, was one such moment. "It's going to be one of the most productive 12 weeks of your life", they said. And they were right. It was an intense experience, a roller-coaster of emotions. 11 weeks - we focused purely on building the product - growing the platform, getting traction. The 12th week - "The Demo Container" was nothing like the first 11. It was intense, it was crazy, it was - lively. All the teams were dead focused on their demo pitches. We were no longer founders staying in a mansion, but actors on a production stage. And then, the day arrived - 19th March, where all the efforts of the last 12 weeks were to be showcased. There was no winner to be announced, because we all had won already ; and this, was just the beginning...